Provision of South East Wales Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA)
- Health and social work services
- Community health services
- Social work and related services
- Guidance services
- award
- contract
10 months ago
Velindre NHS Trust on behalf of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Cardiff & Vale University Health Board, and Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board currently have in place a contract for the provision of an Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy Service (IMCA). This contract is required to be extended for a further two months, up to 31 May 2024, to enable the procurement process for the contract renewal to be completed. The purpose of the IMCA service is to help particularly vulnerable people who lack the capacity to make important decisions about serious medical treatment and changes of accommodation. It is available to those who have no family or friends whom it would be appropriate to consult about these decisions. The service includes adult protection cases (POVAs) and care reviews. IMCA's also have a role in the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLs) process. An IMCA may be instructed by the Supervisory Body to support a person for whom an authorisation is being sought; or to undertake the role of the Relevant Person's Representative, or to provide assistance to the relevant person and their representative in exercising their rights under the legislation.
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