Adaptation and Small Repair Service
- Building and facilities management services
- Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services
- Welfare services for the elderly
- Other community, social and personal services
- Welfare services for the handicapped
- Repair and maintenance services
- Home-help services
- award
- contract
11 months ago
This requirement is for an Adaptations and Small Repairs service to owner occupiers and private landlord tenants following assessment and recommendation by the Renfrewshire & East Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnerships. Renfrewshire Council is the lead procuring authority and is procuring this requirement for both Renfrewshire Council and East Renfrewshire Council. Renfrewshire Council will be responsible for running the procurement process and administrating formal documents, such as Letter of Acceptance and Extension Letters. This is a single procurement exercise for the award of four (4) contracts as detailed below; - Contract 1 – Renfrewshire Council – Adaptation related service - Contract 2 – East Renfrewshire Council – Adaptation related service - Contract 3 - Renfrewshire Council – Small Repair/Handyperson Service - Contract 4 - East Renfrewshire Council – Small Repair/Handyperson Service Bidders must submit bids for all 4 contracts, there is no option available to bid for less than 4. Tenderers who fail to provide a tender submission for each of these 4 contracts will be treated as failing to follow the Instructions to Tenderers and procurement documents and their submission will be rejected. All four contracts will be awarded to ONE Service Provider. Full evaluation instructions are detailed within the ITT documents. Renfrewshire Council reserves the right to; - Extend All, none or some of the above contracts. Any contract extension will be at the sole discretion of the relevant Council. Renfrewshire Council will administer contract extensions for any or all of the contracts as detailed above.
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