Suffolk Energy Action Framework
- Heating equipment
- Thermal insulating material
- Electrical insulating fittings
- Central-heating equipment
- Water heaters and heating for buildings; plumbing equipment
- award
- contract
11 months ago
Suffolk County Council is looking to procure the delivery of retrofitting to domestic sector properties across the whole of Suffolk on behalf of the local authority members of the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership (SCCP). This supports the delivery of the Home Upgrade Grant Phase 2 (HUG2) and other schemes. The contract will provide Suffolk local authorities the ability to manage the installation of high-quality domestic energy efficiency, low Carbon Heat and renewables measures, and access sector relevant funding or finance to benefit Suffolk households and reduce emissions. Works will be split into two Lots. The Lots are:1. Insulation Measures2. Low Carbon Heat and Renewables MeasuresThe Framework is available to all public contracting authorities located within the boundary of Suffolk to utilise.
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