Respite and Short Break Services for people with a Learning Disability (18+)
- Health and social work services
- award
Submission Deadline
1 year ago
11 months ago
Respite and short breaks are a key component in the delivery of quality and sustainable services to people with a learning disability and their families in Sutton. Such breaks provide individuals and carers with time away to refresh, experience new types of support and opportunities to experience greater levels of independence, choice and provide carers with the opportunity to have a break from caring tasks.\r \r The Council are seeking Suppliers to join a flexible framework providing accommodation / bed based service settings in a registered care or a supported living environment which also provide for access to and participation in universal and community support.\r \r The provision of respite and short breaks should be available to people aged 18 plus. The Council have identified as a particular priority the need for service aimed at younger people (aged 18-25) with a learning disability (YPLD).\r \r The London Borough of Sutton will commission this service in accordance with Regulation 74 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (Light Touch Regime for Health and Social Care) allowing the commissioning of this contract by means of a Flexible Framework which can be re-opened periodically as detailed within the tender documentation during the 3 year framework duration.\r
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