2324-03-SPCC-JB Occupational Health Service for Students





  • Health services


  • award

Submission Deadline

10 months ago


6 months ago


The University requires an Occupational Health Service (OHS) supplier to assess the health of applicants/students. The requirement is for the OHS to 
•	ensure that all applicants/students on regulated courses (teacher education, health and social care courses) meet the standards of health required by professional and statutory bodies, including provision of an immunisation service.
•	undertake the health clearance for applicants on regulated courses within a timeframe aligned to the commencement of their course.
•	provide relevant immunisations for applicants/students on relevant regulated courses within a timeframe aligned to the commencement of placement activity.
•	provide medical opinion on the ability of any student to independently engage in managing their own health conditions whilst engaging with all aspects of their course of studying, including attendance at University and their attendance on placement where relevant.
•	provide health screening and immunisation service for [PhD] students on an ad hoc basis.

The main aims of the OHS are as follows.

•	To assure the University that applicants and students on regulated courses meet the Higher Education Occupational Practitioners (HEOP) standard of medical fitness required to train as teachers, health care professionals and social care professionals.
•	To provide immunisations for health and social care applicants/students as required and in line with the Department of Health 'Green Book' (including PhD students where necessary).
•	To provide medical opinion regarding support and/or adjustments students might require in order to fulfil the professional requirements of their course.
•	To confirm health clearance for all applicants on regulated courses prior to the commencement of the course in accordance with the timetable provided by the University.
•	To confirm vaccination clearance for all students on relevant regulated courses prior to the commencement of placement activity in accordance with the timetable provided by the University.
•	To respond to any revisions and/or additions to the regulatory requirements for students on regulated courses.
•	To provide medical opinion on the capability of students to self-manage existing health conditions where there is a concern about the impact on, self, other students and staff, patients, staff in placement settings, and/or following a break in study for medical reasons.
•	To provide medical opinion regarding support and/or adjustments students might require to independently manage their own health conditions whilst attending University and during any placements (as above).

	Note that examples of health care professional courses includes: nursing, midwifery, operating department practice, paramedic, diagnostic radiography, radiography and oncology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, physician associates, dietetics, art psychotherapy.

Find A Tender Ref 2023/S 000-028809
Apply via https://in-tendhost.co.uk/sheffieldhallamuniversity



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