CP2421-23 IUK Fast Followers





  • Accounting, auditing and fiscal services


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Submission Deadline

8 months ago


6 months ago


Devon has a well-developed Carbon Plan and a very active network of community-based organisations working hard to deliver net zero by 2050 at the latest.\r
DCC is delivering the Financing Net Zero project as part of IUK Net Zero Living https://iuk.ktn-uk.org/programme/net-zero-living/, aiming to support places in their transition to Net Zero.\r
The key purpose of this project is to provide a route to innovative types of finance for implementing projects in the Devon Carbon Plan.\r
The Carbon Plan recognises the systemic nature of the climate crisis, that it affects all aspects of our lives, exacerbating social and economic inequalities. At the same time, it understands that acting on climate change, to achieve net zero, provides systemic opportunities to "create a fairer, healthier, more resilient and more prosperous society." The FNZ team is informed by Doughnut Economics in its systemic approach to achieving a thriving Devon economy that is ecologically safe and socially just.\r
The FNZ programme (November 2023 - June 2025) will facilitate a pipeline of investment-ready net zero projects and, where possible in the timeframe, finance will be arranged.\r
The pipeline of projects is expected to include, as examples, the development of integrated place-based net zero developments, coordinated nature-based solutions across biospheres and river catchments, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Innovative hybrid models of finance will utilise debt finance like Public Works Loan Board and Infrastructure Bank, equity finance that shares ownership and risk, and community finance through Local Climate Bonds, as well as realising additional revenue raising opportunities from natural capital or carbon credits. It is not anticipated to focus on grant funding as this route is already well used, however this option should not be excluded should an appropriate opportunity arise.\r
FNZ Headline Activities\r
- Identify and prioritise Devon's existing net zero pipeline and strategic opportunities.\r
- Working with partners and project board, move selected Priority Projects towards investment grade status; Progress an Industrial Estate project through the delivery of investment grade audits and a smart energy plan (this is likely to be, but not limited to Heathfield, Teignbridge).\r
- Identify external investors and funders for Priority Projects.\r
- Collaborate in the development of the NZDV concept, supported by the Shift to Net Zero project. Specify initial business cases for Devon to deliver the first phase of investments. Evaluate the potential for a NZDV for Devon and a roadmap for implementation.\r
- create a project development unit responsible for creating the playbook for Net Zero investments.\r
This Opportunity Consists of Four Lots, the titles of which can be found below. Bidders may bid for any combination of multiple or individual lots, additional detail regarding the specific requirements of each lot can be found in the specification within the procurement do

Additional information: 
The authority reserves the right to cancel the procurement process at any stage. The authority does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, and reserve the right not to award a contract. The authority reserves the right to award the contract in part, or to call for new tenders should they consider this necessary. Economic operators remain responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by them or by any third party acting under instructions from them in connection with their participation in this procurement, whether incurred directly by them or their advisors or subcontractors and regardless of whether such costs arise as a consequence direct or indirect of any amendments to documents issued by the authority at any time, or as a consequence of the cancellation of the procurement by the authority. For the avoidance of doubt, the authority shall have no liability whatsoever to economic operators or their advisors or subcontractors, for any of their costs, including but not limited to those for any discussions or communications. Any contract(s) or agreement(s) entered into as a result of this contract notice shall be considered as a contract(s) or agreement(s) made under English law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. If an economic operator considers that any information supplied by it during this procurement process is commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, this should be highlighted and the reasons for its sensitivity as well as the duration of that sensitivity specified. Economic

operators should be aware that even where they have indicated that information is commercially sensitive, the authority may disclose it pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in response to a request for information where such disclosure is considered to be in the public interest. Please note that the receipt by any of the authority of any materials marked 'confidential' or equivalent shall not be taken to mean that the authority accepts any duty of confidence by virtue of that marking.

Tender documents are accessible via www.supplyingthesouthwest.org.uk . All expressions of interest are to be made via www.supplyingthesouthwest.org.uk. All questions or enquiries regarding the tender are to be asked via the messaging function within the opportunity through www.supplyingthesouthwest.org.uk



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