Support to Live at Home Service
- Health and social work services
- award
- contract
11 months ago
Medway Council invites tenders from suitably experienced Care Quality Commission (CQC) providers, for the provision of Support to Live at Home – Home Care and Extra Care Services. This is a multiple lot framework as detailed: Lot 1 - Homecare The homecare service will provide care and support to people in their own home and to those living in the five Medway Extra Care schemes. Medway currently provides homecare to approximately 1000 people delivering 9744 hours of care per week. (Reference period w/c 18th April 2022) These services will be commissioned by Medway Council in order the meet the assessed needs and desired outcomes if Service Users. The ultimate aims of the services are to: -Ensure that service users remain as independent as possible, and providers work in an enabling way that maximises and promotes the service users’ independence. -Ensure that providers work towards an integrated care system whereby all key stakeholders including but not restricted to service users, service user’s families, providers, carers, health care professionals, health care workers, voluntary community services, healthy lifestyle services and social prescribing services work together to achieve the service users desired outcomes -Ensure that Social Prescribing Methodology is trained and embedded into care practices to help prevent social isolation and to improve the overall health and wellbeing of the service users. -Ensure that service users are enabled to maintain their independence with appropriate care in their own home. The Homecare Services under this Framework Agreement will be available to adults over the age of eighteen [18] who meet the Council’s eligibility criteria for services. There are 3 sub-lots for Lot 1. Lot 2 – Extra Care An Extra Care Scheme is a mixed-use scheme enabling older people with a range of care and support needs to live independently in their own homes. Service users will be fifty-five and over including those sensory needs, mental disorder including dementia, short- or long-term illnesses and those who require end of life care. It develops the concept of housing where older people can have their needs met through the security and privacy of a tenancy but within a socialising environment. The ultimate aims of the services are to: - Ensure that service users remain as independent as possible, and providers work in an enabling way that maximises and promotes the service user’s independence and does not foster dependency. -Ensure that providers work towards an integrated care system whereby all key stakeholders including but not restricted to service users, service users’ families, providers, carers, health care professionals, health care workers, voluntary community services, healthy lifestyle services and social prescribing services work together to achieve the service users desired outcomes. -Ensure that Social Prescribing Methodology is trained and embedded into care practices to help prevent social isolation and to improve the overall health and wellbeing of the service users. -Ensure that service users are enabled to maintain their independence 00with appropriate care in their own home. The Extra Care Services under this Framework Agreement will be available to adults over the age of fifty-five [55] who meet the Council’s eligibility criteria for services. There are 5 sub-lots for Lot 2.
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