Further Competition for Ecology Consultant Support Friar Park Lot 1 - AWARD





  • Building consultancy services


  • award

Submission Deadline

7 months ago


6 months ago


Title:Further Competition for  Ecology Consultant Support  Friar Park Lot 1
      SMBC and WMCA have, since 2019, been jointly working on proposals to bring forward the Friar Park Urban Village Scheme shown on the plan below.   The site extends to circa 26ha and anticipates the delivery of circa 630 homes together with a network of open space comprising circa 10ha providing for a range of formal and informal sport and recreation, as well as habitat mitigation. Through the CCS Procurement Service Framework RM 6165: Construction Professional Services.
      Funding for the scheme was initially secured through the West Midlands Combined Authority Devolved Funding scheme, which required all houses to be complete on site by 2031.  More recently, Sandwell MBC has secured £11.5m towards the delivery of the Friar Park Urban Village, with the key output being the remediation works.  This funding is required to be spend by March 2025. 
      The partners are currently working on the procurement of a Developer Partner with confirmation of appointment currently anticipated in Summer 2024.   It is anticipated that the Development Partner will be required to undertake all works necessary on site, including remediation to ensure housing delivery is completed by March 2031 in accordance with funding requirements. 
      The Council will be using the In-tend e-Tendering System for this Procurement exercise, please visit https://in-tendhost.co.uk/sandwellmbc to access the Sandwell MBC In-tend Supplier Portal.
      From here you will be able to register your company, express an interest in the opportunity, and gain immediate access to the ITT and other related documents.
      In Order To View and Submit a Tender, you will be required to` Opt-In`.   
      For a Step by Step user guide to the Sandwell MBC In-tend Supplier Portal please click on the `Guidance for Suppliers` section of the website. All procurement responses must be carried out via the Sandwell MBC In-tend Supplier Portal.  
      If you require further assistance in respect of the system please contact the In-tend support team on 0844 272 8810.
      Closing date: Tuesday 23 January 2024 at 17:00hrs



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