South Road Retaining Wall Strengthening, Weston super Mare. North Somerset
- Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (except electric apparatus)
- award
Submission Deadline
1 year ago
11 months ago
The South Road retaining wall in Weston super Mare is showing signs of movement, including cracking and deflections, leading to significant cracking, rutting and depressions in the footway at the crest. The retaining wall (retaining/adjacent to a South Road highway) has a retained height of up to approximately 4.3m, plus a parapet upstand of approximately 1.0m. The wall supports South Road, with an approximately 6m wide carriageway and footways on both sides of the road each approximately 1.5m wide. The footway adjacent to the retaining wall is currently closed along the length of the wall requiring remediation, but the carriageway remains open.\r \r The proposal is to procure a civil engineering works contractor to undertake strengthening of the retaining wall to ensure its structural stability and to safeguard the local highway for the residents. The works will involve:\r • Works site setup including welfare unit, management, security and any required temporary works design & installation.\r • Supply, installation and management of required Traffic Management plans, traffic diversion signs and/or temporary traffic lights around the proposed works areas. \r • Removal of approximately 20m long unstable retaining wall.\r • Installation of around 167 number of Soil Nails along the 80m length of existing Retaining wall.\r • Rebuilding of approximately 20m long retaining wall with new materials.\r • Excavate around 80m length of carriageway and footpath for replacing the collapsed highway drainage. \r • Installation of new highway drainage system of around 80m length of road.\r • Rebuilding the carriageway and footpath with new materials to replicate the existing carriageway construction details.\r
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