Strategic Housing Market Assessment






  • Other community, social and personal services


  • award

Submission Deadline

1 year ago


11 months ago


Liverpool City Council (LCC) are commencing a review of the Liverpool Local Plan. The Local Development Scheme sets out the programme for its preparation. In line with the National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Guidance it must be based on a robust, up to-date and proportionate evidence base. The City Council therefore wish to procure the services of a highly experienced and qualified consultant/s to undertake an updated Strategic Housing Market Needs Assessment (SHMNA) for the city. The SHMNA will provide a key piece of the evidence to inform the preparation of the new Local Plan for Liverpool.

In addition, the study is also required to inform the preparation of strategies, policies and decisions across the council including a city- wide Housing Strategy. It will provide a clear and robust evidence base which all LCC Directorates, partners and agencies can use to better understand the current and future nature of Liverpool's housing needs at a city wide and sub-area level. It will also help to inform and guide development and investment in the city, ensuring housing growth in the city meets identified needs, is provided in the right locations and supports the city's economic growth aspirations.

It will form an integral part of the evidence base to provide robust, up to date evidence in respect of housing needs and will underpin housing related policies in the Local Plan, which will guide future residential development in the city.   Along with a SHMNA, the council are also commissioning the following studies via separate tender exercises which will be cognisant of each other and share the same baseline data:

1.	Employment Land and Premises Study
2.	City Centre Strategy
3.	Open Space Study
4.	Retail and Leisure Study.

The following key milestones & outputs will be required from the study:

•	Inception meeting with officers to agree timescales and reporting arrangements.
•	Organising and undertaking Housing Needs Survey 
•	Organising and facilitating engagement with key stakeholders. The list of key stakeholders should be agreed with the city council. 
•	At least 6 client meetings over the course of the project 
•	Presentation of draft report to officers, senior managers and Cabinet Members including the city council's housing board 
•	Organising and consulting on the draft report as appropriate 
•	To receive and consider feedback on draft report 
•	Presentation and submit final report in an accessible electronic form, including 1 word and 1 PDF electronic copy including if required spatial data compatible with QGIS.  
•	To provide detailed guidance on how best to monitor, maintain and update the housing research. This should detail both the appropriate data sources and methodology to achieve this output.
•	An executive summary of the document outlining the methodology, key findings, and recommendations.
•	A workshop/training sess



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