AT1238 Advocacy Services for Adults
- Social work and related services
- award
Submission Deadline
1 year ago
11 months ago
The Council is seeking for a single provider to address all statutory independent advocacy and generic (non-statutory) requirements through a single service.\r This will provide a single route for advocacy provision for people with health and social care needs who require independent advocacy (statutory) and generic advocacy (non-statutory) services.\r The decision to contract with a single provider takes into account national guidance, local policy, and through consultation and engagement undertaken with accessed independent advocacy services, carers, professionals, and service providers.\r \r The Provider will deliver advocacy services in line with the following legislation and Codes of Practice and Guidance:\r a) Mental Capacity Act 2005, Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019 \r IMCA - Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy\r \r b) Mental Health Act (1983 as amended 2007) \r IMHA - Independent Mental Health Advocacy\r \r c) Care Act 2014\r Independent Care Act Advocacy\r \r d) Health and Social Care Act 2012, Section 223a\r Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy \r \r e) Care Act 2014, Sections 67 and 68 /The Care and Support (Independent\r Advocacy) Regulations 2014\r Generic (non-statutory) Advocacy\r
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