Cereals and Oilseeds Farm and Trade Assurance processes - an independent study into how assurance works and why supply chains require it.





  • Research services


  • tender

Submission Deadline

10 months ago


11 months ago


There is a clear lack of accessible facts and insight for grower levy payers into what is required beyond the farmgate and of imported grain. The current situation presents a material risk to farm level support for farm assurance.
As such, AHDB have been asked by industry partners to commission an independent exercise into gathering evidence on exactly how assurance processes work for domestic and imported grain and why they are needed through the supply chain.
The work will have an evidence-based foundation, with a fully independent and impartial conclusion that will be respected by the industry.
The purpose of this work is to ensure that as an industry we have independent evidence of how domestic and imported assurance processes are applied and why they are needed by primary processors. The outcome we are aiming for is to create a clear evidence base for industry collaboration on the matter of how assurance standards are applied.

Additional information: Suppliers are required to register their interest with AHDB in order to receive clarification information. Please read page 4 of the specification for further information



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