QUB/2485/23 Contract for for a Compact Multi-modal and Multi-scale Retinal Imaging System
- Imaging equipment for medical, dental and veterinary use
- tenderUpdate
1 year ago
Multiple research groups within QUB are addressing the earliest changes of disease at the complex intersection between normal ageing and early pathology in AMD (Peto, Hogg, Lengyel), Diabetic Retinopathy (Peto, Stitt, Lois, Hogg, Curtis) and Glaucoma (Azuara-Blanco and Hogg), exploring interventions to delay or prevent onset. Cutting edge retinal imaging is crucial to these endeavours. Advanced retinal imaging has been at the forefront of research advances in ophthalmology; as resolution has increased, the capacity to understand disease mechanisms has advanced for all major blinding conditions. In the retina, this has advanced on two parallel fronts, firstly, improved imaging of individual retinal layers including the photoreceptor mosaic, and secondly, improved imaging of retinal vasculature and microvasculature and associated structures. At the forefront of this is the ultra-high resolution provided by adaptive optics techniques, enabling single cell resolution in vivo. To date, th
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