GMCA788 - UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF): Sector Skills Programme





  • Education and training services


  • award
  • contract


11 months ago


Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) looked to procure providers to deliver a programme of activity to provide upskilling and/or reskilling opportunities to employed individuals across GM, which respond directly to skills gaps highlighted by employers in some of our key sectors. Delivery on this programme will need to be completed (that is all delivery completed and outputs / outcomes claimed) by the end of March 2025.
The aim of the programme is to offer tailored support to help people in employment to engage with the skills system, in order to gain qualifications, licences1 and / or skills. Provision should respond to skills gaps highlighted in the Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) and be flexible and responsive to the needs and aspirations of participants.
Previously commissioned Greater Manchester programmes for upskilling/reskilling employed individuals, such as GM Skills Bootcamps and the ESF Skills For Growth Programme have made significant progress against our priorities of responding to employer need and providing opportunities for residents to upskill/retrain into good jobs in growth industries. It is envisaged that this programme will continue to provide opportunities for employed residents to access fully funded training in some of the regions key sectors.
For the purpose of this procurement exercise, activity was split into five separate lots with 1 contract being awarded in each lot:
Lot 1: Advanced Digital Skills
Max contract value: £1,600,000
Volumes: minimum 800 starts; minimum 75% to complete
Lot 2: Business Productivity Skills
Max contract value: £1,200,000
Volumes: minimum 800 starts; minimum 75% to complete
Lot 3: Public Services: Health and Social Care Skills
Max contract value: £1,200,000
Volumes: minimum 600 starts; minimum 75% to complete
Lot 4: Construction Technical Skills
Max contract value: £1,000,000
Volumes: minimum 400 starts; minimum 75% to complete
Lot 5: Manufacturing Technical Skills
Max contract value: £1,000,000
Volumes: minimum 400 starts; minimum 75% of complete
This opportunity was commissioned as a further competition/call off from the education, work and skills flexible procurement system.



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