Sector Specific 16-18 Funding opportunity for 2023-24 - Plumbing





  • Vocational training services


  • award

Submission Deadline

1 year ago


1 year ago


Hertford Regional College (HRC) intends to appoint a provider with relevant experience and a proven track record to deliver innovative programmes of study training within the plumbing sector. The contract will be for the delivery of learning against the funding the college receives from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) for the training of young people aged 16-19 up to a maximum of 95 individuals.
Delivery must meet the regulations outlined in the ESFA Funding Rules, including personal development through tutorials and access to work experience opportunities.  The provider should focus on progression outcomes for learners and ensure provision, even at lower levels, is clearly aligned to the destination curriculum model as well as supporting the College's rationale for subcontracting which can be found on our website

Delivery must take place within 10 miles of the college campus in line with current regulations regarding distance subcontracting, all delivery should be completed by 31/07/2024.

This procurement is being run under the "light touch regime" and within the timescales set out in the attachments below. To participate in this procurement you must complete and submit the volumes and values spreadsheet and the procurement questionnaire located in the attachments to [email protected] 

Please note that Due Diligence checks must be completed, and a required assessment outcome achieved prior to any contract award. HRC will invite shortlisted providers completing this procurement exercise to undertake Due Diligence in line with the timescales set out in the attachments.  HRC reserves the right not to award a contract based on the outcome of Due Diligence checks.

Any incomplete or incorrectly completed submissions may be deemed non-compliant, and as a result you may be unable to proceed further in the procurement process. Contract award will be subject to a management fee of 20% and HRC reserves the right not to award contracts based on procurement question responses that score less than 150/300. We reserve the right to add weighting of 50% to question 1 of the procurement questionnaire, should it be required, to determine the most appropriate provider.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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