Financial Services Pillar of the ASEAN Economic Integration Programme





  • Foreign economic-aid-related services


  • tender

Submission Deadline

7 months ago


9 months ago


The FSp aims to enable greater financial resilience and economic opportunities for individuals and businesses in AMS through wider availability of useful and affordable financial services, particularly for MSMEs and women (‘financial inclusion ’).   Financial inclusion is uneven among AMS, with some countries still having a persistently high percentage of adults without an account at a financial institution. Digitalisation of the sector is improving access to and use of financial services across ASEAN, but barriers remain, and these can be higher for women and MSMEs. Barriers in some AMS include low financial or digital literacy, lack of trust / gaps in consumer protection, shallow capital markets and limited access to international payments.  The intended outcome of the FSp is that AMS adopt and implement ASEAN-led policy recommendations and reforms that promote financial inclusion in the region. The programme will do this by providing expert support to ASEAN and AMS.



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PLEASE NOTE: due to circumstances beyond FCDO's control, FCDO is pausing tender process for this Monitoring Evaluation and Learning for Green Urban Growth in Somalia (MEL-GUG) itt_6537. Therefore, the advise is not to continue with any work on the proposals until further notice. In order not to withdraw the tender at this stage, the closing date is extended to the end of October 2024, so the itt remains active on the e-Sourcing Portal. As soon as a decision to proceed with the tender is made, the wider market will be informed via update to this Notice. Any changes to the tender documents and the new timetable will be also announced. FCDO reserves the rights to withdraw the tender from the market, any such decision will be broadcasted to the bidders and market updated. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) is looking for a Supplier to perform Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) services for its Green Urban Growth in Somalia (GUG) Programme. The purpose of the Contract is to provide the independent MEL for GUG's overall programme delivered through the two modalities (commercial contract for £25 million and Partnership Finance Fund agreement worth £11 million) with the aim to: i) assess the UK's overall contribution towards achieving the Theory of Change (ToC) outcomes and impact, ii) review the validity of assumptions in the ToC throughout implementation; and iii) assess if the programme structure and delivery modalities are fit-for-purpose to achieve the desired results and iv) document lessons learned to inform decision-making and strengthen the global evidence base on urban development and building resilience to climate change in FCAS. The expected start date of the Contract is October / November 2024. The Contract will run for 72 months with an option to extend by up to further 24 months. The Contract will comprise of two phases: - Inception Phase up to 4 months; - Implementation Phase - remainder of contract period, with the last 3 - 6 months before the end focusing on the closure of the Contract and the responsible exit. Contact Value is up to £3,000,000 million, with an option to increase the value by up to an additional £1,500,000. Please note that the Contract value is exclusive of VAT but inclusive of all applicable / local taxes. The tender has been published in the FCDO eSourcing Portal (itt_6537). You will need to login / register in order to access the tender document and to submit your proposal. If you have any technical issues with the Portal, please call eSourcing helpdesk: +44 0203 868 2859 or use the "Call me Back!" functionality (recommended, especially if contacting from outside of UK). Any queries related to the Tender documents must be addressed through the "messages" functionality linked to itt_6537. Additional information: The expected impact (the "Impact") of the MEL Contract will be an improved performance of the GUG Programme in a high-risk environment and effective coordination of its components, working together and adding up to deliver GUG's overall desired outcomes and impact. The expected outcomes (the "Outcomes") of the MEL Contract include: - robust and coherent Overarching Results Framework is developed and is effectively utilised by all GUG Implementing Partners throughout implementation; - GUG's progress towards its intended programme outcomes and its ToC are successfully monitored and evaluated to ensure accountability; - effective coordination of activities between GUG components maximises on complementarities, achieves VfM and supports GUG Implementing Partners to deliver tangible progress towards GUG's ToC; - learning is applied to GUG's delivery and management - both at the component and programme levels - to ensure GUG's risks are minimised and opportunities for overall efficiency and effectiveness are maximised; and - new, quality knowledge and evidence products strengthen the global evidence base on what works and what doesn't work for systems-based approaches to building adaptation and resilience to climate change in FCAS cities.


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