Award Notice for CCTV Upgrade Project and Maintenance Services
- Repair and maintenance services of security equipment
- Closed-circuit television cameras
- Closed-circuit surveillance system
- Surveillance system
- Repair and maintenance services of video equipment
- Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services
- Hardware installation services
- Closed circuit television services
- award
- contract
11 months ago
This is an award notice following a procurement exercise for provision of CCTV upgrade and maintenance containing the following: Principle Items: Upgrade the control room camera recording and operating system Upgrade the public space CCTV cameras, network, and transmission equipment Decommission redundant equipment in the field and at the control room Commission video analytics Provide CCTV repair and maintenance services for the public space, housing, and car park CCTV systems Optional items: Upgrade existing and supply and install new public space, housing, and car park CCTV systems Relocate the public space CCTV control room to new premises Supply and install a business continuity control room at a remote site.
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