T1042 - Understanding Society Wave 17-22





  • Survey services


  • tender

Submission Deadline

11 months ago


1 year ago


Understanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS) is a major household panel survey funded by the Economic and Social Research Council with co-funding from some government departments. This phase includes six waves of the core annual survey - approximately 21,000 households issued continuously throughout the year - and six waves of the Innovation Panel (IP) - approximately 1,500 households interviewed summer/autumn each year. Both surveys have a sequential mixed mode design using a combination of web, CAPI and to a smaller extent CATI, to maximise participation. We also enhance the annual data collection with more detailed information from participants, including biomeasures, or collecting information on a wider set of participants connected to sample members. In addition, we have a programme of continuous innovation both to improve the quality of data on the core surveys and to enhance the Study. 
      The requirement to provide high quality, household longitudinal social survey data is critical for the success of Understanding Society. In evaluating bids we will be particularly looking for evidence of a commitment to a cycle of continuous improvement by monitoring activities, identifying problems and improving processes to ensure high quality data collection and data delivery. We will also be looking for evidence of a commitment to open communication and transparency with us about monitoring, problems, and improvement processes. Achieving high response rates across modes and samples, minimising attrition and response bias, and the timely delivery of quality-assured questionnaire scripts and data will be of the highest priority.
      This invitation to tender covers core activities associated with data collection for (1) Waves 17 to 22 of the main survey, and (2) Waves 18 to 23 of the IP and a number of additional elements scheduled for 2025-2030. These additional elements are listed below:
      1.	An experimental general population refreshment sample of Great Britain, to add around 500 productive households to the Innovation Panel at IP18 (2025). This would experiment with the use of a 'recruitment phase' to engage participants and collect contact information prior to the household's first main survey. This would test recruitment approaches for the Wave 20 boosts (see items 3 and 4, below);
      2.	A general population boost of Great Britain to add around 500 households to the IP20 (2027);
      3.	Wave 20 (2028-29): An ethnic minority boost of 3000 households, designed to sample the areas of the UK with a relatively high proportion of ethnic minority people, with the great majority of sample points being in England.
      4.	Wave 20 (2028-29): A Celtic boost of 2,500 households, to increase the number of participants in Wales (1000 households), Scotland (1000 households), and Northern Ireland (500 households).
      5.	Wave 22 (2030-31) will include biomarker data collection and will also need a pilot to run in early 2029. 
      6.	IP23 (2030): a general population boost of Great Britain to add around 500 households to the IP.



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