ICT20016 Home to School and Specialised Passenger Transport Planning and Management Solution






  • Industry specific software package


  • award

Submission Deadline

2 years ago


10 months ago


A hosted solution with a secure user interface, accessible through a web-based browser to manage, schedule and optimise passengers and journeys for Home to School (both mainstream and specialised) and Adult Social Care transport.
The Solution will comprise:
On-line data storage; and
Associated Services.

Currently the Transport Service has to manually input the majority of data to plan and coordinate passengers travelling together to establishments taking into account home location, individual special needs, arrival times, vehicle capacity, acceptable travel duration for journeys etc. The route planning and optimisation is undertaken manually and then manually recorded in the current system.

The Service wishes to reduce its reliance on the knowledge of its individual officers and manual data entry and purchase a solution that will record and manage the optimisation of the journeys required to meet service requests/demand, using rules and criteria that can be set by its users, to calculate the most efficient use of vehicles, and routes, calculating and managing potential cost. This could be displayed on a map via a dashboard which shows the types of transport, number of passengers and capacity in a particular location or by showing journeys to a chosen establishment or both.

The Council uses a separate system called Proactis to record and maintain its list of approved transport operators. These records are held within a DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System), a framework that is used to award contracts by undertaking further mini competition exercises and Contracts are awarded via the Proactis System. The awards are done via the Proactis System. Currently the details of the contracts that are awarded under the DPS are manually inputted into the current Routewise system. Electronic hard copies of the contracts are stored in the Councils EDRM which is supplied by Open Text version 16.2 as the current system does not have a facility to store this documentation against a contract or operator.

The Council recently started implementation of the Granicus CRM solution to manage interactions with its citizens. The Transport Service intends to use a form in this system to collect all relevant information from parents/carers and professionals, with the relevant approvals process to enable service requests for transport to be arranged. The Service would like a way to seamlessly process the data contained in this form via input into the Transport Management solution without the need for manual rekeying.

The contract will include options to extend the contract by 5 periods of 12 months meaning the potential length is 10 years.

Additional information: 
The awarded value includes all extensions and options. Award date and contract start date are both  24th October 2023, however the form could not be submitted when those dates were the same. The contract term runs from the Go-live date.



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  • Contract Agreement

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  • Award Notice

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