ID 4272898 - Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) - Managed Vehicle Recovery Service
- Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment
- Automobile emergency road services
- Breakdown and recovery services for cars
- Vehicle towing-away services
- Breakdown and recovery services for commercial vehicles
- Breakdown and recovery services for buses
- Breakdown and recovery services for motor vehicles
- Breakdown and recovery services for motorcycles
- Demolition services of vehicles
- Breakdown vehicles
- award
- contract
1 year ago
The Contractor will be directly responsible for the appointment and management of all Vehicle Recovery Operators (VROs) appointed to provide services under this scheme. The VRO requirements that the Contractor will be required to manage are provided within this specification. The Contractor must ensure that all relevant Road Traffic Orders, Regulations and other Statutory Provisions, are adhered to by all parties engaged in the delivery of any services under this Contract. The PSNI’s business relationship will be with the “Contractor” who will be required to appoint Recovery Operators, inspect, and manage the vehicle recovery service provision on behalf of police. A number of other government entities may also avail of the services provided by the Contractor under the provision of this contract: • Department for Infrastructure (DFI)/DVA Enforcement/DVA Fleet Management • Northern Ireland Environment Agency • National Crime Agency • Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA /Fisheries • Health and Safety Executive Northern Ireland (HSENI) • Belfast Harbour Police Please refer to the ‘Specification of Requirements’ Schedule for more details on the services required.
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