Primary Medical Care Provision for The Gardens & Jacobs Neurological Centre Care for patients with complex neurological conditions incl. brain & spinal injury and neuroprogressive conditions





  • Health services


  • award
  • contract


1 year ago


This is a voluntary ex ante transparency notice and is intended to provide notice of NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board’s (HWE ICB) intention to award a 36-month contract (01/09/2023 – 31/08/2026) with the option to extend the contract by up to an additional 24-month period (31/08/28); a maximum contract term of 60-months.
It is HWE ICB’s intention to award this contract to Stellar Healthcare; HWE ICB have been working to provide a GP specialist service for registered patient cohorts who have complex neurological conditions including acquired brain injury, spinal injury as well as neuroprogressive conditions.
Gardens and Jacobs offers a range of care and rehabilitation pathways to suit the individual needs of those accessing specialist services. These include:
•	Neurological physical and cognitive rehabilitation, inpatient assessment and treatment
•	Longer term complex care including specialist nursing, respiratory, tracheostomy and ventilator care
•	Sensory assessment and complex care for patients with disorders of consciousness
•	Effective management of behaviours that challenge
•	Respite, short breaks and Continuing HealthCare 
•	Palliative care
The service which for the avoidance of doubt include but are not limited to primary care Essential Services, Additional Services; and national and local Enhanced Services.
HWE ICB have decided that the best solution to ensure that Patients across Hertfordshire and West Essex benefit from a suitable, capable and resultant specialist primary care GP provision, who have the required capacity and resource to deliver specialist primary medical care to the identified patient cohort and who also have with a willingness to work with the Authority to refine the current specification to be fit for purpose to the patient cohort for this service and also link in with the ICS applicable end of life pathways, respiratory, neurological and frailty pathways
The Authority has made this decision for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseeable by the Authority and can confirm that the time limits for the open or restricted procedures or competitive procedures with negotiation could not be complied with before a contract start date of 01/09/2023. This is to ensure that patient service continuity is maintained and to ensure that patients are not without a service from 01/09/2023, onwards.



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  • Contract Agreement

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  • Award Notice

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