Requirements Reserved for Supported Businesses Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)





  • Furniture (incl. office furniture), furnishings, domestic appliances (excl. lighting) and cleaning products
  • Outerwear
  • Garments
  • Coveralls
  • Special workwear
  • Restaurant and food-serving services
  • Beverage-serving services
  • Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
  • Special clothing and accessories
  • Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories
  • Occupational clothing
  • Industrial clothing
  • Footwear other than sports and protective footwear
  • Printed books, brochures and leaflets
  • Musical instruments, sport goods, games, toys, handicraft, art materials and accessories
  • Printed matter and related products
  • IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
  • Other community, social and personal services
  • Recreational, cultural and sporting services
  • Social work and related services
  • Personal care products
  • Software package and information systems
  • Road furniture
  • Signage
  • Signs and illuminated signs
  • Medical clothing
  • Surveillance and security systems and devices
  • Postcards, greeting cards and other printed matter
  • Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services
  • Hardware consultancy services
  • Software programming and consultancy services
  • Data services
  • Internet services


  • tender

Submission Deadline

7 months from now


1 year ago


The Scottish Government is establishing a collaborative Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Requirements Reserved for Supported Businesses. A key objective of this DPS is to continue to provide the Scottish public sector and third sector bodies a straightforward, flexible route to market for a range of goods and services provided by supported businesses and in doing so, support the integration of disabled and disadvantaged citizens into the mainstream workforce.
The DPS will be on a single Lot basis that will hold a wide range of goods and services provided by supported businesses. Descriptions of these goods and services and any subsequent categorisation will be provided via publicly available guidance documentation.
Potential participants must complete the SPD (Single Procurement Document) held within PCS Tender and meet the minimum entry criteria to participate in the DPS.
Participants must also complete within this SPD, Annex A to this Dynamic Purchasing System which requests confirmation from bidders on their meeting of the reserved contract criteria described as the ‘two part test’ introduced by European Directive 2014/24/EU and given effect in Scotland through the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015, Section 2, Regulation 21.
For details of public sector organisations who can access the DPS please see section III.1) Conditions for participation.
The Requirements Reserved for Supported Businesses DPS will be open for new applicants throughout the lifetime of the DPS.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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Marine Recorder Online Support & Hosting - 2025 onwards

Project Background The platform is a replacement for the old "Marine Recorder" desktop application, which is at end-of-life and no longer sustainable for business use. It is used by all of the UK SCNBs (JNCC, Natural England, NatureScot, Natural Resources Wales, DAERA), along with key marine NGOs, who provide high quality marine benthic survey evidence. The old Marine Recorder was developed in the 2000s and was showing its age in both the software used, and data model, making maintenance and support unsustainable in the long term, in addition to the quantity of stored data nearing software limitations within Microsoft Access itself. A review of the current system was carried out in 2016, under the Streamlining Marine Advice innovation lab. The geospatial biodiversity and accessory data within the platform will be curated under the custodianship of a closed list of custodian organisations, the only route for data into the system being via one of these organisations who will provide the overall responsibility of quality control and data entry. Data within the system is key to a wide variety of UK and international marine and conservation reporting objectives and forms the backbone of many policy decisions and further informative datasets across all countries in the UK. As such, it contains a reporting application, to provide key stakeholders the ability to query and extract final data in the system for their public task needs, and to their level of data access. Data entry to the system is currently via UI and spreadsheet import, with Restful JSON API planned for development shortly. Marine Recorder Online is multi-tenant, providing each custodian their own domain for their data management application in which they manage their own data according to their internal business needs and data release practices. All relevant final data are subsequently pooled in the reporting system to provide a full UK view of marine biodiversity data, but with access defined by row level permissions on the data to match the end user's access level. The system itself is administrated by a designated organisation, currently JNCC, in charge of managing the users, internal dictionaries, configuration updates, triaging new support tickets and responding to Tier 1 support. The application currently receives hosting and support for Tier 2, 3 and 4 issues under contract, this ITT seeks to provide continued support and hosting for the application moving forward.

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