ID 4833213 - DFC - NMNI Internal Audit
- Internal audit services
- Statutory audit services
- Fraud audit services
- Accounting and auditing services
- Accounting, auditing and fiscal services
- Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
- award
- contract
1 year ago
National Museums and Galleries of Northern Ireland, operating as National Museums NI wishes to appoint a single, suitably qualified and experienced contractor to undertake the following: • Provision of Internal Audit Services • Nomination of a fully qualified individual who will fulfil the role of Head of Internal Audit (HIA) National Museums NI is a non-departmental public body accountable to the Northern Ireland Assembly through the Department for Communities and have a public duty to meet the highest standards of Corporate Governance. Number of Audit Days required per annum: National Museums NI requires 65 days of Internal Audit per annum. It is envisaged this will be made up of 50 days of internal audit and 15 days for Agreed Upon Procedures (AUP) although flexibility will be required on this split to meet business demands. These figures are approximate based on previous internal audit contracts, there is no guarantee of work under this contract. If there is a requirement for any additional/ad hoc work the daily rates as tendered will apply.
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