Non-Daily Metered Sampling Read Service Provision (NDMSP) 2023
- Data services
- award
- contract
1 year ago
The contract appoints an economic operator for Non-Daily Metered Sampling Read Service Provision (NDMSP) 2023 for three (3) years from 1 April 2023. The detailed parameters of the NDMSP can be found under the Uniform Network Code (UNC) Transportation Principal Document (TPD) Section H 1.6 (NDM Sampling), which can be found at Compliance with the UNC is a regulatory obligation under the utilities' gas transporter licences granted (or treated as granted) under the Gas Act 1986, section 7. The existing contracts in place for NDMSP for Cadent Gas Limited, Northern Gas Networks Limited and Wales & West Utilities (the Utilities) will expire on 31 March 2023, and the Utilities have a legal obligation to ensure that the regulatory requirement for NDMSP will continue to be met from 1 April 2023. With effect from 1 April 2023, Xoserve Limited (Xoserve) will fulfil the NDMSP obligation on behalf of the Utilities . The economic operator will therefore contract with Xoserve rather than the Utilities directly. Xoserve is a not-for-profit entity funded, governed and owned by the gas industry, which includes the Utilities.
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