Ebbsfleet Central East - Site Wide and Area Masterplan - AWARD
- Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
- awardUpdate
Submission Deadline
2 years ago
1 year ago
EDC is planning to procure a masterplanning and design team to lead the next stages of design for Ebbsfleet Central, the urban centre of Ebbsfleet Garden City located on the land around Ebbsfleet International train station. This stage of design work will follow the approval of an outline planning application for the site, Ebbsfleet Central East, including circa 2,100 homes, 100,000m2 of commercial development, specialist health facilities, new public realm and open space and community spaces. The first phase of development at Ebbsfleet Central East is envisaged to comprise circa 1,100 homes and 80,000m2 of commercial development and supporting retail, leisure and community space. The commission will be split into the following core key areas of work: o Development of a Site Wide Masterplan for the full Ebbsfleet Central East outline application area; o Development of an Area Masterplan and Design Code for Phase 1 of the Ebbsfleet Central East application area; Further areas of potential work which may be required, and will be drawn down if required include: o Development of an Area Masterplan and Design Code for Phase 2 of the Ebbsfleet Central East application area. The Masterplan & Design Team will lead the next stages of design for Ebbsfleet Central East and work alongside EDC and a wider consultant team to discharge key masterplanning conditions. This will include (but are not limited to): o Develop the next stages of masterplan design which meets the vision and aspirations of EDC for Ebbsfleet Central; o Development of a site wide masterplan which identifies the broad location and disposition of all land uses, major open spaces, new and retained landscaping, road routes, principal footpaths and cycle routes and public transport networks; o Development of an area masterplan and design code for Phase 1 of the development which builds on the site wide masterplan to deliver a detailed masterplan and design code. This is likely to include (but is not limited to) detail on: o Land Use - uses and maximum floorspaces, indication of affordable housing and land for community and education uses and open space; o Phasing - general phasing for the area, indication of where development is likely to start, timing of key elements of the proposals such as bus stops, local centres, links to adjacent communities and community facilities; o Land Forming - details of final ground levels and interface with existing ground levels; o Form of Development and Design - extent of development and density, building height ranges, location of landmark buildings and features, cross sections of key streets, building and open space, boundary treatments and identification of broad design character areas to guide more detailed area design codes; and, o Access and Car Parking - access routes for vehicles, public transport, pedestrians and cycles and connections to wider areas, car parking standards, typologies, dis...
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