NHS Somerset Integrated Care Board - Integrated Urgent Care
- Health services
- Health and social work services
- award
- contract
2 years ago
In 2018, NHS Somerset Integrated Care Board (SICB) formerly known as Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group procured an Integrated Urgent Care Service (IUCS) for patients registered with a general practice in Somerset following a competitive procedure which was advertised in the Official Journal of the European Union (reference 2018/S 083-187661). The IUCS contract (the Contract) was awarded to Devon Doctors Ltd (DDL) and included the delivery of NHS 111 services which were initially delivered by DDL's sub-contractor. The contract has now been varied to reflect the fact that DDL has terminated the sub-contract and brought delivery of the NHS 111 services in-house. Such services will therefore be delivered by the lead contractor, DDL, from 30 March 2023 for the remainder of the Contract term.
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