NHS NEL CCG/NHS NL CCG - Primary Care IT Support Service
- Computer support and consultancy services
- award
Submission Deadline
5 years ago
5 years ago
NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group on behalf of NHS North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS North Lincolnshire ("the Commissioners") are seeking an IT Delivery Partner who will provide a proactive, responsive and customer focussed GP IT support service to member GP practices. The IT Delivery Partner is expected to provide and deliver a quality focussed and resilient service model which operates in a sustainable, innovative and flexible way, ensuring service user satisfaction throughout. The service forms a fundamental and integral element of providing responsive front line clinical services. The service provided needs to be reliable, responsive, of high quality and deliver efficient IT systems in supporting the provision of patient care. The key principles of service delivery are to: • Ensure that any transfer and transition of services is effectively managed to ensure a continuation of the existing level of service provision and to prevent de-stabilising the delivery of clinical services; • Ensuring that Services are supported on a 24/7 basis as appropriate to requirement • Ensuring that all systems, and associated infrastructure are securely operated and maintained • Ensure a proactive support service is available, supporting a clinically essential service, with robust incident management processes; • Propose innovative and cost effective strategies to address service improvement and sustainability and /or create financial efficiencies; • Fully understand all local and national requirements and work closely with the CCGs to help them plan better; to discharge their statutory duties; and exploit technology and systems in support of the challenging NHS transformation agenda. Additional information: e-Procurement Portal https://www.nhssourcing.co.uk Potential Providers can access the opportunity and procurement documentation through the NHS Sourcing Portal - https://www.nhssourcing.co.uk, project_21882, itt_4888. The closing date for tender responses is 13:00 on 9 August 2019
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