Rye Reflections: a community engagement and arts project about landscape change





  • Community action programme


  • tender

Submission Deadline

4 years ago


4 years ago


The Rye Reflections community engagement project sits within our Reconnecting People stream of work. The Ryevitalise Partnership wish to inspire local communities; to reconnect people with the river landscape and the wildlife that the river and surrounding area supports.  We want to document changes in species abundance that have happened within the living memory of the community, including changes in the landscape and how it is managed.  We want to highlight these changes, to help the community understand shifting baselines, and inspire the next generation to take action to conserve species and habitats in the future through our school outreach sessions.  The anecdotal case studies we capture will include engaging and inspiring memories from the local community that will provide a rich body of content to inform the wider interpretation and events programme.
It is hoped outputs from this work will provide inspiration to artists whom we will commission to interpret this qualitative data into physical art and digital media installations throughout the scheme area in 2021.
2.0	Work Packages
2.1	Start-up meeting
-	The Consultant will be expected to report to lead Officers on a regular basis via phone calls / video conference and email exchange.
-	A start-up meeting at the National Park Offices, Helmsley is required as soon as possible after the Consultant is appointed, prior to work commencing (or by video conference depending on current social distancing require... nature writing and historic species abundance by 30/05/2021.
2.4	Interpretation
-	Produce creative briefs for artists/filmmakers by 30/05/2021.
-	Support the development of content for events & engagement activity based on the findings of Rye Reflections by 30/05/2021.
-	Assist the Ryevitalise Team to assess quotes and award contracts; support commissioned artists to develop briefs and ensure outputs will be delivered on time
-	Attend and represent the Ryevitalise Partnership at networking events and conferences (minimum 5) to promote the achievements and successes of Rye Reflections by December 2022.
2.5	Reporting
-	A brief summary report will be required at the end of each of the work packages (2.2, 2.3 and 2.4) during delivery.
-	At the end of the project delivery a report will be required by December 2021. This should include but not be limited to:
a)	A visual analysis of the data collected from 2.2 and 2.3
b)	A discussion on the key findings, notable changes in landscape and wildlife species abundance, and people's changing perceptions of nature and landscape including two case studies
c)	Conclude with accessible actions people can take to help wildlife in the future
d)	Recommendations for project legacy
-	The Final report and any other documents relating to this Contract should either be sent via email or on a USB Stick, by transfer from a hard drive device, cloud-based storage or via a secure file transfer site (e.g. WeTransfer) as appropriate.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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