Structural Modelling for the Conservation of HMS Victory
- Industry specific software package
- tenderAmendment
Submission Deadline
4 years ago
3 years ago
This tender is for the structural analysis support of HMS Victory during Stage 1 and 2 of the Conservation Programme (total duration estimated at 6 years), with options for Stage 3 and Stage 4 support, each of which is anticipated to last up to 3 years. The work will include assessing the structural implications of planking removal and replacement as well as mast and rigging re-instatement, as well as providing routine structural analysis and assessment of the ship .as part of the Hull Support System. Apply via e mail to [email protected] Tender Available at Additional information: TENDER CLARIFICATIONS HMS VICTORY - Structural Analysis Invitation to Tender - Clarification Version 3 dated 28th September 2020 QUESTION RESPONSE 1. Where is the tender available to download? The tender is published on 'MyTenders' 'Contracts Finder' And the NMRN Website Tenders Page 2. How do I access the reports and model details? A One Drive folder with the reports and model will be made available after receipt of the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) at Appendix 1 to the Statement of Requirements 3. Must Ansys format be used be used? No, that is down to the contractor. 4. Can subcontractors be used for any of the services specified? Yes, that is left to the tenderer and should be detailed in their response. The National Museum of the Royal navy wishes to operate with the selected tenderer as the Prime Contractor. 5. Price/Quality Split Quality 70% Price 30% 6. Can Tenderers have access to the ANSYS Model? Yes - please e-mail [email protected] for details of how to obtain this as a download 7. May tenderers propose alternative solutions? Yes - a tenderer may propose their own solution to demonstrably meet the Statement of Requirements.
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