Tendring District Council - Contract for Responsive Maintenance, Out of Hours Emergency Works, Void Property Works and Major Works
- Repair and maintenance services
- award
Submission Deadline
4 years ago
4 years ago
The contracting authority is procuring a term maintenance contract to support its own in-house Direct Labour Organisation team of 10 (ten) operatives currently delivering sheltered property repairs and reactive general housing repairs. The contracting authority's in-house team will continue to operate alongside the contract. The total property portfolio comprises general needs, sheltered and supported housing schemes. The works include responsive maintenance, out of hours emergency works, major works, void property inspections, void property works and technical inspections. Additional information: All documentation can be downloaded from https://etenders.rand-associates.co.uk, eTenders@Rand is Rand Associates Consultancy Services Ltd's eProcurement portal (the 'Portal') for downloading/submission of tender documentation and communicating requests for and responses to clarification. All requests for procurement documentation, communications and submissions of tenders must be made via the Portal, which can be accessed at https://etenders.rand-associates.co.uk After creating an account on eTenders@Rand , users will receive an email with a link to activate their account. Once activated and logged in, users will need the following code to register for the tender documentation: TENDRV20
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