ESC21188 - Unlocking Clean Energy in Greater Manchester





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  • tender

Submission Deadline

3 years ago


3 years ago


Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) are looking for external suppliers to support the successful delivery of Unlocking Clean Energy in Greater Manchester (UCEGM). UCEGM is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund and will deliver approximately 10 Megawatts (MW) of additional clean energy capacity to supply local authority assets across Greater Manchester. It also aims to demonstrate innovative and scalable energy business models, allowing greater participation in the emerging Local Energy Market, reducing reliance on subsidy and enabling future investment in clean energy. The project commenced in summer 2020 and will run until the end of May 2023. UCEGM is led by ESC in partnership with five Greater Manchester local authorities - Manchester, Rochdale, Salford, Stockport, and Wigan. ESC have entered into a Grant Funding Agreement with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) to deliver the project including certain contracted outputs in the form of kilowatt hours of renewable energy that will be produced and resultant tonnes of carbon dioxide that the project will save. For further information see: There are three key areas of work within the project: 1. Programme Management & Project Compliance - as lead partner in the consortium, ESC are responsible for overall project performance and compliance with funding requirements, 2. Workstream 1 - The five Local Authority partners are delivering around £15m of capital investment in renewable energy projects, and 3. Workstream 2 - ESC are leading the development of future business models. The requirements of the contracts are divided into four Lots: 1. Lot 1: Commercial and Investment Advice 2. Lot 2: Workstream 2 Procurement Advice 3. Lot 3: Workstream 1 Procurement Support 4. Lot 4: Summative Assessment Lots 1 and 2 are required to provide external specialist, technical support in respect of commercial and investment structures along with procurement processes to Workstream 2 which will supplement in-house capabilities to develop future business models. This will maximise the scope, quality and impact of Workstream 2. Procurement support under Lot 3 is intended to support the consortium partners - the Local Authorities who are delivering capital renewable energy schemes under Workstream 1. Compliance with public sector procurement requirements is a key funding requirement. Lot 3 is a call-off contract which can be utilised as necessary to support the Local Authorities to procure their required contracts. ERDF comes with a contractual requirement to appoint an external supplier to conduct an impact evaluation of the project, known as a summative assessment, which is Lot 4.

Additional information: 
Please follow the instructions in the ITT document regarding communications during this event



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