GLIDE - Virtual Entrepreneurship Courses - AWARD





  • Business and management consultancy services


  • award

Submission Deadline

3 years ago


3 years ago


GLIDE is a new initiative which aims to generate increased levels of entrepreneurship by consolidating the existing knowledge and expertise and streamlining it to better cater to the needs of individuals wishing to start their own business. By doing so, GLIDE seeks to encourage innovation in the wake of COVID-19 and ultimately invigorate economic development and productivity growth.
      GLIDE is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Programme which is designed to create jobs and support innovation, businesses, and local community regeneration. 
      This brief is to support GLIDE in the setup, organisation, marketing, and facilitation of a series of entrepreneurship virtual courses. These courses are specifically focused on enabling start-ups, and those thinking of starting a business, to grow sustainably and reach their individual business goals. 
      The successful supplier will be responsible for organising, managing, and running the three virtual courses early next year (2022). Each course will cover a minimum of 12 hours, which we anticipate will be split across a series of virtual lessons or workshops.
      Suppliers must be familiar with and comply with ERDF requirements.
      Suppliers who would like to take part in this tender process are invited to 'Express Interest' here 
      Once you have expressed interest the tender documents can be accessed from the 'My Tenders' area of this website, selecting the 'View Details' button of this project. 
      Any questions relating to this tender should be made via correspondence on the website and can be addressed to the main contact.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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