PR2151 - Provision of a Facilities Maintenance Service
- Repair and maintenance services
- tender
Submission Deadline
3 years ago
3 years ago
Preventive, periodic and reactive maintenance of office facilities and equipment, for a period of 2 years, commencing 01 May 2022, with provision for 2 x annual extensions to 30 April 2026. Additional information: in line with Public Policy Note 07/21 re: transparency requirements on Contracts Finder for Central Government Organisations, PHSO are providing full visibility of all associated contract / tender documentation upon request. This includes the following, or the nearest equivalent, as a minimum: the specification; invitation to tender (ITT)/request for quotation, or invitation to participate in dialogue; standard selection questionnaire (SSQ); template terms and conditions of contract; any associated schedules (which may include the winning tenderer's bid. Requests should be directed to [email protected].
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