NCS Trust Provider Payment Accounting Assurance (RM6188 Further Comp)
- Accounting, auditing and fiscal services
- award
Submission Deadline
3 years ago
2 years ago
National Citizen Service (NCS) is the country's fastest-growing youth movement, a rite of passage for all teenagers aged 15-17 to discover who they are and what they can do. Nearly 500,000 young people have already taken part. Find out more at NCS currently has the following opportunity for the provision of NCS Trust Provider Payment Account Assurance services NCS Trust Provider Payment Accounting Assurance - external professional advice on how NCS currently accounts for payments to third party network of providers who help to deliver the NCS programme. This advice needs to be delivered in a timely manner to allow our Accounting officer to gain assurance over the accounting treatment applied ahead of the end of the funding cycle and ahead of the commencement of our external audit. A second element should consider how we might restructure our provider payment mechanism in future to simplify this process and reduce the work and the cost involved. Detailed requirements contained in the Statement of Business Requirements provided as part of the ITT issued in December 2021. If you are have any issues please email [email protected] The closing date was 10/1/22, 17:00 Additional information: The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct, free of charge at
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