Newark Buttermarket Redevelopment Works






  • Building completion work


  • award

Submission Deadline

2 years ago


2 years ago


Newark and Sherwood District Council is inviting tenders for Works in respect of of the Newark Buttermarket on Middle Gate, Newark on Trent. The proposed works to this building of historical significance include the conversion of existing first floor space to incorporate a learning facility, enabling works and decoration to the main atrium and a ground floor toilet block full refurbishment. The proposals will aim to preserve and enhance the historic fabric and be of the highest quality.

The detailed requirements are defined in the Tender documents, please formally register your interest in this opportunity to access the tender documentation. The deadline for completed tender submissions to be received on the eTendering Portal is 12:00 noon on 14th April 2022.

The Contract is due to commence on 16th May 2022.

PLEASE NOTE: Potential suppliers are required to make arrangements to undertake a supervised site visit to The Buttermarket, Middle Gate, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 1AL. Attendance at a site visit is mandatory as part of this procurement process. The Council reserves the right to eliminate bids from the procurement process (without evaluation), that are received from any potential supplier that has not attended a site visit. Site visits must be arranged through the messaging function of the project on ProContract. The deadline for submitting a request for attending a site visit is 31st March 2022.  As part of your request for a site visit, please suggest a date and time that is acceptable to you (between 16th March and 7th April 2022).

Potential suppliers must only bring a maximum of 5 representatives from their organisation to the site visit, and should note that site visits will not be conducted on a per organisation basis, and there may be more than one potential supplier attending the same site visit.

The budget for this contract is £200,000 in its entirety (exclusive of VAT). Please Note: The Council reserves the right to reject any submissions that are over budget without further evaluation.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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