Y23001 - Preferred Supplier Listing for Umbrella Payment Services





  • Financial and insurance services


  • tender

Submission Deadline

2 years ago


2 years ago


CSKL jointly with Connect2Hampshire, Connect2Luton, Connect2Surrey, Connect2Dudley & Connect2Staff wish to create an Agreement for Umbrella Service Suppliers to be provide payment services to CSKL's Temporary Workers. This Agreement will also be used to assist any future Joint Ventures between CSKL and other Public bodies

Additional information: 
To gain access and complete the necessary documents please follow the instruction below 


Visit - WWW.Kentbusinessportal.org.uk 

Select - Opportunities 

Select Organisation - Commercial Services 

Select the opportunity appropriate to you from the list provided 

Express interest - you may need to register first 

Once successful expression is completed you can access and complete the requirements in two ways 

1 - when you register you will receive a successful registration email, this also contains a link taking you direct to the opportunity 

2 - when you log in to proactis go to my activities, select commercial services and you will be presented with the opportunity. 

Following the instruction from herein



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