GB-Wellingborough: Provision of Security Services at Unit 7 (Depot) Greatwell Homes





  • Surveillance and security systems and devices


  • tender

Submission Deadline

2 years ago


2 years ago


Greatwell Homes are looking to appoint a suitable value for money contractor to provide a comprehensive solution for security at our new office and depot. The facility currently has some of the previous tenant's inactive access panels but it requires further investment for CCTV and alarms. The purpose of the building is predominantly for trade related vehicles, the storage of trade related materials with access for appropriate operatives and access for a small number of office staff who are able book desks on ad hoc basis. Please note: This tender includes a mandatory site visit to survey on Monday 25th July 2022.

Additional information: The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.



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Requirements Reserved for Supported Businesses Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)

The Scottish Government is establishing a collaborative Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Requirements Reserved for Supported Businesses. A key objective of this DPS is to continue to provide the Scottish public sector and third sector bodies a straightforward, flexible route to market for a range of goods and services provided by supported businesses and in doing so, support the integration of disabled and disadvantaged citizens into the mainstream workforce. The DPS will be on a single Lot basis that will hold a wide range of goods and services provided by supported businesses. Descriptions of these goods and services and any subsequent categorisation will be provided via publicly available guidance documentation. Potential participants must complete the SPD (Single Procurement Document) held within PCS Tender and meet the minimum entry criteria to participate in the DPS. Participants must also complete within this SPD, Annex A to this Dynamic Purchasing System which requests confirmation from bidders on their meeting of the reserved contract criteria described as the ‘two part test’ introduced by European Directive 2014/24/EU and given effect in Scotland through the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015, Section 2, Regulation 21. For details of public sector organisations who can access the DPS please see section III.1) Conditions for participation. The Requirements Reserved for Supported Businesses DPS will be open for new applicants throughout the lifetime of the DPS.

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Karen Willoughby

[email protected]


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