REME Aviation (Project TITUS) FDEng Degree Accreditation
- Adult and other education services
- award
Submission Deadline
2 years ago
2 years ago
The supplier shall conduct analysis of the existing training delivered to and experience gained by REME Aviation Technicians through their career to Sgt to determine a level of accredited prior learning and experience, (known as Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) by the supplier). The qualification will be awarded by the supplier following analysis and agreement on the accreditation level. The current indication is that sufficient credits are available to award an FDEng, recognised by the relevant PEIs. If the current training is found to be insufficient to award a full FDEng, a gap analysis will be conducted by the supplier to formulate options to reach FDEng (alternative funding may be req for the training, outside of this contract) and the appropriate accreditation of current content documented. Additional information: Transparency purposes only. This contract has already been awarded. This contract is for the provision of REME Aviation (Project TITUS) FDEng Degree Accreditation.
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