Y22009 - Flexible Procurement and Supply of Half Hourly (HH), Non-Half Hourly (NHH), Metered and Unmetered (UMS) Electricity with Additional Services





  • Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy


  • award

Submission Deadline

2 years ago


1 year ago


In accordance with Public Contracts Regulations of 2015, as amended (PCR2015), the Contracting Authority wishes to establish a Framework Agreement (the Agreement) for Flexible Procurement and Supply of half hourly (HH), non-half hourly (NHH), metered and unmetered supply (UMS) electricity and Additional Services including provision of Renewable Energy, Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), Demand Side Response (DSR), Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) and Energy Services (e.g. energy efficiency, on site renewables, heat pumps, batteries etc.

Additional information: 
To gain access and complete the necessary documents please follow the instruction below 


Visit - WWW.Kentbusinessportal.org.uk 

Select - Opportunities 

Select Organisation - Commercial Services 

Select the opportunity appropriate to you from the list provided 

Express interest - you may need to register first 

Once successful expression is completed you can access and complete the requirements in two ways 

1 - when you register you will receive a successful registration email, this also contains an link taking you direct to the opportunity 

2 - when you log in to proactis go to my activities, select commercial services and you will be presented with the opportunity. 

Following the instruction from herein
Any Public Body will have access to this Framework Agreement, but may only do so with the agreement of the Contracting Authority through Commercial Services. Those organisations who may wish to access this Framework Agreement include: local authorities, the Police Service, the Fire Service, the NHS & NHS Trusts, port authorities, third-sector organisations, academic centres (including Academies), publicly-funded organisations, and publicly-owned private companies operating within the geographic boundaries of the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Northern Ireland (together referred to in this tender document as Participating Authorities or End Users). 
Full details of the classification of potential public bodies who may become Participating Authorities and/or End Users under this Framework Agreement via the Contracting Authority can be found with in the ITT and FTS notice

Tenderers are advised that the Contracting Authority, its affiliates and/or authorised users reserve the right to supply the tendered products, services, and commodities to companies that have a majority public sector ownership by any of the public sector bodies referred to above during the period of the Framework Agreement as stated in this document, for the purpose of selling to other public, and third sector organisations.



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  • Award Notice

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