Skills & Flexible Resource Innovation Project
- Research and development services and related consultancy services
- award
Submission Deadline
2 years ago
2 years ago
Thank you for your interest in undertaking the Skills & Flexible Resource Innovation Project on behalf of The Planning Inspectorate. This competition is being undertaken via The Government Office for Science Futures Procurement Framework. Requirement We require a partner to work with us to explore the art of the possible to meet current and changing demand for our services. For this initial piece of work (phase 1) we want to understand current and future casework demand and required skillsets. A delivery partner will need to work with key stakeholders within the organisation to: reuse the learning from previous work in this area and understand what work is underway to deliver it. identify gaps where research is required to produce a set of anticipated scenarios that analyse how casework demand, resource and skills requirements might change overtime, as well as the minimum resource and skillset required to deliver casework demand. Optional Requirement for Phase 2 We also include an option for the successful supplier to take the deliverables from this piece of work to inform a second piece of work (Phase 2) to explore the art of the possible, options and approaches to deploy resource quickly and effectively. This is assuming a successful Phase 1, a continuing business need for the requirement and the supplier having the required skillset for Phase 2. This option will be confirmed towards the end of Phase 1 with timescales to be agreed with the supplier. How to Apply Please provide your written proposal using the 'proposal template' provided in Annex B, clearly setting out how you meet the evaluation criteria included in the Section 4. The proposal template includes a section for each of the criteria being evaluated. In the template, please also declare any known or perceived conflicts of interest with any employees or contractors of the Planning Inspectorate. Your written proposal and pricing proposal must be submitted to [email protected] no later than Monday 26 September 2022 - 16:00 hours. Written proposals and pricing received after this deadline will not be accepted
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