Reactive Maintenance for Edinburgh Napier University
- Repair and maintenance services
- Roof maintenance work
- Glazing work
- Decoration work
- Drainage works
- award
- contract
2 years ago
Edinburgh Napier is seeking a Contractor(s) for Reactive Maintenance work at the Authority’s Residential & Campus locations. There are 5 Lots included within this tender that cover various aspects of Reactive Maintenance. The Lots are as follows: - Lot 1: All Trades Work - Lot 2: Roofing Works - Lot 3: Glazing Works, - Lot 4: Decorative Work - Lot 5: Drainage Works The locations included within the tender as as follows (applicable to all Lots): - Sighthill Campus (EH11 4BN) - Merchiston Campus (EH10 5DT) - Craiglockhart Campus (EH 11 1DJ) - 2A Merchiston Avenue Edinburgh EH10 4NU - Unit 1 7 Hills , Bankhead Crossway South Edinburgh (EH 11 4EP) - Unit 12 7 Hills , Bankhead Crossway South Edinburgh (EH 11 4EP) - Orwell Terrace (EH11 2DT) - Slateford Road (EH11 1FE) - Built Environment Smarter Transformation: Units 1 & 3 Blantyre (G72 0AG) - Bainfield (EH11 1BF)
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