PRJ1111 - Mental Health Supported Living - Southwark - SEL ICB






  • Residential health facilities services


  • award
  • contract


2 years ago


NHS South East London Integrated Care Board (NHS SEL ICB, known as NHS South East London) is undertaking a procurement process to select service providers for seven (7) mental health supported living contracts; each based at a specific premises in the borough of Southwark.
The sites are:
- 212 Peckham Rye
- Dunton Road
- Glengarry Road
- Kirkwood Road
- Milestone 1 Wales Close
- St James' House
- Landcroft Road
One in four people in the UK will suffer a mental health problem in the course of a year. Mental illness covers a wide range of conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders, through to more severe conditions like schizophrenia.
Common mental disorders (CMD) include conditions such as depression and anxiety. Results from the 2014 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey (APMS) show that 1 in 6 adults had a common mental disorder (CMD) in the week prior to the survey, rising to almost in 1 in 5 adults in London.
Mental ill-health represents a significant burden on our local population and the health and care system. It is estimated that almost 47,600 adults in Southwark are currently experiencing a CMD, this is expected to rise to approximately 52,000 individuals over the next decade
Although less disabling than major psychiatric disorders, the higher prevalence of CMD mean that their cumulative cost to society is greater. All types of CMD are more prevalent in women than among men, and they are also more likely to experience more severe symptoms. Young women were identified as a particularly high-risk group with an estimated 5,600 cases in the borough. Employment and socio-economic status were identified as a substantial risk factor. In Southwark, approximately half of the claims for employment and support allowance (ESA) are related to mental health - with 6,000 cases in February 2016.
The aims of this long-term supported living service are to enable service users with enduring mental health needs to live the community and function at an optimal level of independence, with appropriate levels of support. The Service will therefore play an essential role in meeting the accommodation and support needs of people who may have not lived independently or succeeded in living independently previously. In particular, the Service will meet the needs of individuals who are leaving hospital or residential care services.
A key aim of this service is to support residents with complex needs to live as independently as possible, developing the skills necessary to remain living in the community.



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