Digital Rulebook App
- IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
- tenderUpdate
2 years ago
The Rule Book App was launched to the industry as a purchasable product in 2018, whereby an organisation purchases a block of user licenses that can be redeemed by any user based on a valid organisation domain email or manually assigned. The Rule Book App leveraged RSSB’s single source component content management system for the creation of standards and rule book content within DITA XML, allowing for content to be published and personalised across multiple formats and devices. Prior to this, the Rule Book was only available in paper or PDF format published to RSSB’s website and created within desktop publishing tools i.e., Quark. The Rule Book App ensures the Rule Book and the instructions within it in are kept up to date and all workers are given easy access via their mobile device. The objective of this work is to ensure continuity of service for the significant portion of RSSB’s members and staff that rely on the Rule Book App as their primary source for rules information.
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