Hackney OHP






  • Health services


  • award

Submission Deadline

1 year ago


1 year ago


Oral Health promotion amongst parents, carers, teachers, children & community
groups within Hackney's Charedi community. Promoting the importance of good
oral health, brushing twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, tooth friendly diet 
advice & accessing dental care advice. The importance of early access to the dentist
for children will be prioritised, as will bringing about behaviour change within the
community regarding diet and brushing. The Outreach program will use the 
Delivering Better Oral Health Toolkit v4 as the evidence base & will be delivered in 
a culturally appropriate manner for the community.
The provider will maintain a team of 15 Orthodox Jewish peer educators who will
be trained & signed off as competent by KCHFT. This team will then be expected
to arrange, organise, plan & deliver 50 oral health promotion sessions per annum
(April to March) within the community. The provider will facilitate training sessions
with KCHFT to ensure all peer educators have sufficient knowledge to deliver 
effective and motivating evidenced based advice. The provider will collaborate with
KCHFT to create tools & resources eg leaflets/posters/presentations that are 
culturally specific to support the delivery of this contract. The provider will use visual
aids supplied by KCHFT to assist with the delivery of oral health promotion
 eg Big Teeth Models.
The provider will collect meaningful feedback from every service user & report on
this feedback to KCHFT. The number of attendees at each session will be record
ed with registers & the proportion of attendees who's oral health knowledge has
improved following the intervention will be ascertained via pre & 
post-questionnaires & feedback forms. The provider will report their progress to KCHT quarterly
via a review meeting on Microsoft Teams with KCHFT and via a written quarterly
report to be submitted on 1st of the month.
The provider will also be expected to support KCHFT in accessing and building
contacts in Charedi Orthodox Jewish Independent schools & help to promote the
fluoride varnish programme in all school settings/with all parents of children in
Charedi Orthodox Jewish Independent Schools. They will engage the 
schools/nurseries and parents by facilitating meetings with headteachers/governors and rabbis.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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