IF106 - Major Project Partnering Framework
- Construction works for plants, mining and manufacturing and for buildings relating to the oil and gas industry
- Design consultancy services
- Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
- Engineering works and construction works
- Sewer construction work
- Pipelaying construction work
- Sewage work
- Works related to water-distribution pipelines
- Water-main refurbishment construction work
- Water-treatment plant construction work
- Sewage plant equipment
- General construction work for pipelines
- Ground-drainage work
- Construction work for water projects
- Electrical installation work
- Electrical installation work of heating and other electrical building-equipment
- Pumps
- Civil engineering consultancy services
- tender
Submission Deadline
3 years ago
3 years ago
NIW wishes to set up a partnering framework to support delivery of all elements of its proposed Living With Water Programme, large projects (greater than £10m) in NI Water’s PC21 and PC27 capital works programme and any joint agency projects as may arise. The intention is to award contracts under this framework in 3 Lots: Lot 1: Civil Engineering Design Consultants; Lot 2: Civil Engineering Contractors; and Lot 3: Process Engineering including MEICA Design and Construction Contractors; Estimated value for the 3 lots for the initial 4 year period and potential 4-year extension period is in the range of £30,000,000 - £120,000,000 (Lot 1); £600,000,000 - £900,000,000 (Lot 2) and £200,000,000 - £400,000,000 (Lot 3). Further information is available within the suite of PQQ tender documents
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