Street Cleansing and Associated Services - London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames





  • Street-cleaning services
  • Street-cleaning and sweeping services
  • Street-sweeping services
  • Graffiti removal services
  • Litter collection services
  • Waste and rubbish containers and bins
  • Household-refuse disposal services
  • Car park cleaning services
  • Gully cleaning and emptying services
  • Gully cleaning services
  • Gully emptying services


  • award
  • contract


3 years ago


The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames invited tenders from suitably experienced and qualified contractors for the provision of Street Cleansing & Associated Services.
The Contract will be for a period of seven (7) years but subject to an extension or extensions of up to an aggregate of seven (7) further years at the absolute discretion of the Council.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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Highways and Public Realm Contract

Westminster City Council (WCC) intends to enter into an agreement with a single partner (or consortia) to deliver the Highways and Public Realm Contract primarily, but not exclusively, across the City of Westminster. WCC will separately, at a later point in time, be procuring an Audit, Compliance and Asset Management Contract with a likely commencement date of April 2027 (subject to change). The purpose of the Audit, Compliance and Asset Management Contract is to ensure that the main Highways and Public Realm contract is delivering outputs from a commercial, quality and performance perspective. Economic Operators are made aware that any successful tenderer for this Highways and Public Realm Contract shall not be permitted to tender for Audit, Compliance and Asset Management Contract as it would not be possible for the same contractor to objectively monitor their own performance. Economic Operators are advised that the procurement documents available via the Portal are (with the exception of the CAS SQ and CAS SQ Guidance) provided in draft for information purposes at this stage in the process and are subject to change. WCC reserves the right to enhance and/or amend any of the material, positions and details set out the Procurement Documents. Further, WCC is following a CPN process for this procurement and the procurement documents may continue to develop as the procurement progresses. The CAS SQ and CAS SQ Guidance may be subject to refinement and clarification in response to queries from economic operators or to correct any errors or omissions. Further information is set out in the CAS SQ Guidance available via the Portal. WCC makes no commitment to award any contract as a result of this procurement or otherwise.

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Ishmam Choudhury

[email protected]

+44 2088715021

[email protected]

+44 1869344000

+44 20794760000

Timeline complete
