DBC Traffic Regulation Order Consultancy
- Highways consultancy services
- Control, safety or signalling equipment for roads
- Parking services
- award
- contract
3 years ago
The Council can introduce Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) under licence from Hertfordshire County Council, the Highway Authority. All waiting restriction schemes are subject to their approval and, as a minimum, must comply with their standards. We are looking for an end-to-end, proposal to installation TRO service with minimal intervention required by the council between consultations. We expect professional advice on all aspects of parking schemes; compliance with current legislation and timely advice should any change to legislation take place or is proposed by central government departments during the contract period including the Transport Data Initiative. The consultancy must have the resources to undertake the conversion from physical TROs to map based TROs if the council decides to do so. Contract Period.The initial contract period will be a four-year contract with the option to extend for an additional three years.
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