Healthcare Equipment Planning Consultant – Hospitals of the Future






  • Project management consultancy services
  • Building consultancy services
  • Research and development services and related consultancy services
  • Business and management consultancy services


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2 years ago


Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (“the Trust”) Hospitals of the Future Project was included within Phase 1 of the UK Government's flagship Health Infrastructure Plan ('HIP') and will be among one of the first projects to be delivered. The Trust is proposing a major redevelopment of the Leeds General Infirmary hospital site to create modern, state of the art healthcare facilities that will expand the Trust's world-class healthcare services. The new healthcare facilities, in the region of 94,000m2 will include a new Children’s Hospital, alongside a new Adult Hospital that will include a new Maternity Centre and other acute, ambulatory and clinical support services.
The Trust is seeking to appoint an experienced Healthcare Equipment Planning Consultant (“the Consultant”) who shall support the Trust in the: preparation and implementation of a robust Equipment Planning and Procurement Strategy; preparation of a detailed Bill of Quantities (“BofQ”) and the procurement of equipment items identified in the BofQ as being
a Trust responsibility. The services shall be delivered in parallel with the detailed design and construction of the new healthcare facilities.



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