Countywide Planned and Reactive Work Installation of Replacement footway and bridleway bridges on the Worcestershire Public Rights of Way Network 2022 - 2026
- Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
- Agricultural services
- Footbridge construction work
- tender
Submission Deadline
2 years ago
2 years ago
Worcestershire County Council has the statutory responsibility to ensure that the county's public rights of way network is properly mapped and maintained and the network is unobstructed and available for use by the public. An important part of the Council's work is replacing pedestrian foot and bridle bridges across the public rights of way network. This work is divided into two Geographical Areas, North and South, see Schedule 3. The number and sizes of bridges replaced each year can vary but is typically between 25 and 45 across the county, by far the majority of these are footbridges and it is generally evenly split between North and South. In most cases these are following reports from the public of bridges having failed or being close to the end of their serviceable life, so it is important the work is done in a timely fashion.The contract is divided into two area lots North and South the Council is looking to award two separate contracts.
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