Andover Town Centre Regeneration Masterplan Urban Design Programme (Revised)
- Urban planning and landscape architectural services
- Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
- award
- contract
2 years ago
In 2020 Test Valley Borough Council adopted a Regeneration Masterplan which sets out an ambitious range of developments in the Town Centre that, when implemented, will ensure the sustainability of its long-term commercial offer. The Masterplan consists of a complex programme of major projects. Ak key part of this is the development and ongoing stewardship of the Town Centre’s public realm. In delivering the Masterplan the Council is now seeking to procure a suite of strategic documents and detailed landscape designs form a suitably qualified and experienced urban design/landscape architecture practice in order to deliver a high quality public realm that will support the developments within the Town Centre Masterplan as detailed in this tender document. This will need to come from a company (or consortium of companies) that have the appropriate breadth of expert experience in urban design, landscape architecture, architecture, engineering, structures and utilities costing and delivery.
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